Install Android on Tablet china
In this tutorial I install the Universal Uberoid Uberoid ROM WM8650 by HCH
Here are step by step tutorial on how Uberoid wm8650 flashing via,
this way I do and 100% successful touchscreen Soud and had normal lumbar
In this tutorial I install the Universal Uberoid Uberoid ROM WM8650 by HCH
Here are step by step tutorial on how Uberoid wm8650 flashing via,
this way I do and 100% successful touchscreen Soud and had normal lumbar
- Download Universal Uberoid WM8650 by HCH to your pc
- Extract the zip file any where on your desktop or laptop.
- Connect the sd card into your pc
- look carefully at what drives the location of what is on your SD F what where.
- open the downloaded file was already extracted
- when it is in the polder double click ''changer.bat'' will display the picture as below
- Type the command'' SDFORMAT "will display some drives select the drive where your SD is waiting to complete the process of formating
- After any key press format
- Click again when the menu is missing changer.bat, select the number that corresponds to your android tablet type clay sample images: completion of the copy remove the SD card into the SD input your android Tablet will automatically do the flashing yourself waiting up to 100% then he would pull the SD card automatically retstar after retstar our Software is installed.
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